
Safety Statement

Our team is dedicated to insuring the highest level of safety in the workplace for employees, subcontractors, clients, and any other personnel who step foot onto our construction sites.  We work to create an atmosphere that nurtures proactive awareness by encouraging employee feedback on all safety matters.  All employees are responsible for implementing our safety procedures and are responsible for stopping any work that is unsafe. Employees are trained to take corrective measures that ensure safety before returning to work.

Reconn’s safety record is proof of our commitment to a culture of safety on the job. Our Total Recordable Incident Rate (TRIR) and Experience Modification Rate (EMR) are considerably better than the industry average.

Quality Assurance

Our clients and partners can be rest assured they are safe with Reconn Construction Services. With a team of professionals that are trained and qualified to deliver the best project from start to finish, Reconn’s goal is to provide each client with safety, quality, and professionalism.

Our Mission Statement

“Reconn Construction serves the retail and commercial markets with a promise to provide quality workmanship and excellent service to clients nationwide all while maintaining a scheduling capacity that is unsurpassed.”

Contact Us

Contact Info

Off: (281) 549-6267
Fax: (281) 549-6271

Office Address

561 N. Egret Bay Blvd.
League City, TX 77573

Associated Builders & Contractors of Houston
American Institute of Architects
Association of Commercial Real Estate Professionals
National Commercial Real Estate Development Association